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Collection: Plant Based Proteins

What is Plant Based Protein?

Plant-based diets can include a wide variety of foods, but the best sources of protein are nuts (raw and roasted), seeds, beans, and legumes. In addition to meat, eggs, and dairy, vegetables like potatoes, kale, asparagus, and mushrooms can be a good source of protein. Another delicious option that's high in plant-based protein is Ezekiel bread, which is made with a variety of grains and legumes.

Tempeh, tofu, and texturize vegetable protein (TVP) are examples of protein-rich processed foods that are often used as meat alternatives. These products are made from soy beans, which, depending on preparation, range in protein content from 68 to 22 grammes per cup. Similar to tofu, seitan is a processed wheat gluten meal that is high in protein. Although it has a little rubbery feel when cold, it performs admirably in pan frying, grilling, and baking.

What is Plant Protein Powder?

Protein is an essential part of the diet no matter what our dietary preferences are. It can be found in every type of human tissue. Protein is essential for the synthesis of hormones, enzymes, and antibodies and has a function in immunological health beyond just helping build muscle.

When compared to carbohydrates and lipids, it is clear that protein is the most lauded macronutrient today. In an effort to boost the protein content of their diets, people have begun to zero in on reliable sources. Typical plant-based protein powder ingredients include green peas, beans, soy, chia seeds, quinoa, hemp seeds, spirulina, lentils, brown rice, and other whole grains and legumes. It's a prevalent misconception that plant proteins lack essential amino acids. There is a wide selection of plant-based protein powders available, all of which have a high protein content and an excellent amino acid profile if you're ready to make the switch.

Health Benefits of Plant Proteins

Phytonutrient-rich: Phytonutrients are compounds or minerals found in plants that promote health. Plant-based protein powders naturally provide additional nutrients and aid in the achievement of our health goals.

Rich in fibre: High Fibre Content Plant-based protein sources are a great choice because they are rich in dietary fibre, which aids in gut health and digestion.

Increase muscle growth: Plant protein powder is a great option for those who prefer a protein-rich meal for post-workout muscle repair and are looking to increase muscle building. It contains all of the essential amino acids needed to create muscle, repair injured muscles, and aid in recovery.

Support immunological health: Plant-based proteins are excellent immune boosters. They naturally protect us from illnesses and boost our immune function.

Vegan-friendly: Plant protein powders are among the best protein sources for vegetarians and vegans. However, if you are allergic to soy or gluten, you should carefully study the ingredient list before purchasing any protein powder. Vegans must choose the one that is clearly labelled as vegan protein.

Lactose-free: If you have difficulties digesting lactose or are strongly allergic to it, switching to plant protein powders will benefit your gut. You can eat them as much as you want because they are dairy-free